We are committed to nature, so our main objective is to promote sustainable tourism by showing that we can build magical places while respecting the environment that surrounds us.

At Kuyana Amazon Lodge we comply with social and environmental parameters that allow the preservation of the scenic resource where we develop our activities. We always seek to implement environmental standards that guarantee the minimum impact on the environment and its ecosystems with the following actions:

Water filtration and recycling system that allows the collection and recycling of gray water in showers and toilets.

For a proper water treatment and recycling process, shower gels, shampoo, etc., are biodegradable and are nonpolluting.

The rooms and common spaces have adequate natural lighting and ventilation for the comfort and well-being of guests and visitors.

The hotel lighting is energy efficient LED lighting.

The common spaces include a vegetable garden to produce food. Vegetables from the garden, aromatic herbs and spices are an integral part of the menu.

Additionally, with the support of FAO (United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Food) in kuyana Amazon Lodge we have reforested more than 300 native plants.

Responsible cultural tourism with the aim of providing stability and income for local indigenous communities as well as sustaining their independence and respect for their traditions.

Cultivating and guarding ancestral knowledge about plants and cultural practices.

Reforestation of endemic plants within the lodges landscapes and protection of the wildlife that visits the lodge.

We are a lodge with a maximum capacity for 18 guests, which allows us to offer an exclusive and personalized treatment for each of our clients.